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Chinese New Year

The Lunar New Year (or Chinese New Year, as many refer to it) is celebrated in China as the most festive holiday of the year. This year, February 1, happens to be the first day of the Chinese New Year. “Chun Jie” or what is considered the Spring Festival follows for a total of 15 days. For many the Lunar New Year is a special time, much like our new year.

The Role Food Plays

As with many celebrations food plays a key role. It's no different during the Lunar New Year! In Chinese culture many foods symbolize luck or represent things that can enhance your life. See below some of the luckiest foods to eat.

Rice • Prosperity and Fertility

Whole Fish • Wholeness

Citrus • Wealthy and Luck

Uncut Noodles • Life of Longevity

Greens • Money and Prosperity

Chinese Dumplings • Wealth and Prosperity

(Interesting little note: A coin is sometimes hidden in one of the dumplings and the person who finds the coin will be the luckiest one in the upcoming year.)

We recommend you start the Lunar New Year off indulging on some of these foods and help welcome luck into you year.

Celebrate With Color

Many of us know that red can be found on everything from the clothing, decor and even the envelopes they gift to children. So, what does the color symbolize? According to legend is represents fire. Fire is known to drive away bad luck. That actually also helps us under the fireworks that tend to be a major part of celebrations. The fire or crackling explosion are known to deter evil. We invite you to wear your red during January 1st and 15th to bring good luck and ward off the not so good.

Beyond fire this vibrant color represents energy, happiness, and fortune.

Red Envelopes

If you have ever seen the red envelopes with Chinese characters on it and wondered what they are for, they symbolize good luck and blessings. They are often seen for the Lunar New Year, weddings or when a baby is born. Giving this gift really is a wish for a positive future to the recipient. It's a thoughtful sentiment and Chinese tradition.

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